How to Prevent Dog Bites


How to Prevent Dog Bites featured imageAs a dog owner in Ohio, there are several things you can do to prevent dog bites while following state laws.

To prevent a dog bite, it is important to stay still and calm if approached by an unfamiliar dog. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends avoiding direct eye contact, loud noises, or running, as these actions can provoke the dog. Instead, say “no” or “go home” in a firm, deep voice, and stand with the side of your body facing the dog. Slowly raise your hands to your neck with your elbows in and wait for the dog to pass or slowly back away.

Don’t Get Caught In A Dog Bite Lawsuit

dog biting a persons arm

If you are a dog owner, it is essential to take measures to prevent dog bites and avoid being caught in a dog bite lawsuit. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Train and socialize your dog: Proper training and socialization can help prevent aggressive behavior in dogs and reduce the risk of dog bites.
  • Supervise your dog: Always supervise your dog around children and strangers, especially if your dog has a history of aggressive behavior.
  • Secure your property: Make sure your yard is securely fenced to prevent your dog from escaping and potentially biting someone.
  • Follow local laws and regulations: Be aware of local laws and regulations regarding dog ownership and make sure your dog is up-to-date on vaccinations and licensing requirements.
  • Take action if your dog bites someone: If your dog bites someone, take immediate action to ensure the victim receives appropriate medical attention and report the incident to your local animal control agency.

By taking these measures, you can reduce the risk of dog bites and avoid the legal and financial consequences of a dog bite lawsuit. However, if you do find yourself facing a lawsuit, it is essential to seek legal advice from an experienced dog bite lawyer to protect your rights and interests. They can help guide you through the actions you need to take after a dog bite.

owner hugging dog, dog bite prevention

Being a Kind and Responsible Dog Owner

Firstly, it is important to be a responsible dog owner by ensuring that your dog is well-trained, exercised, and properly socialized. This can help reduce the likelihood of your dog biting someone. Additionally, ensure that your dog is always under your control and never left unsupervised around children or other people.

dog holding its own leashFollow Ohio Dog Leash Laws

Ohio has laws that require dogs to be kept under reasonable control and not allowed to run at large (Ohio Revised Code section 955.22). It’s important to be aware of any local ordinances related to dog ownership and control, such as leash laws, and to comply with them. Following these laws can help reduce the risk of your dog biting someone and also protect you from potential legal action.


Allow Dogs to Socialize2 golden retrievers playing

Allowing your dog to socialize with other dogs and people can also help reduce the risk of aggressive behavior. Proper socialization can help dogs feel more comfortable and less anxious in unfamiliar situations.


dog wearing a muzzle to prevent dog bite accidentDog Bite Prevention Tools

You can also use dog bite prevention tools, such as muzzles or harnesses, to help prevent your dog from biting in certain situations. It’s important to consult with a professional trainer or veterinarian before using any of these tools to ensure they are being used correctly.


Avoid Risky Situations

It’s also important to avoid risky situations that could lead to a dog bite. This includes approaching unfamiliar dogs or trying to pet them without the owner’s permission, leaving children unsupervised with a dog, and approaching a dog that is eating or sleeping.

Ohio Dog Bite Lawyerdog bite prevention lawyer

If you or someone you know has been bitten by a dog in Ohio, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. You should also consider consulting with an Ohio dog bite lawyer to discuss your legal options if the bite resulted in serious injuries or expenses. At Rinehardt Injury Attorneys, our Columbus and Mansfield dog bite lawyers are dedicated to our clients.

In summary, by being a responsible dog owner, following Ohio’s dog leash laws, allowing your dog to socialize, avoiding risky situations, and using dog bite prevention tools, you can help prevent dog bites and protect yourself and others from potential legal action. You can show some extra support on Dog Bite Prevention Week each year!

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8351 N. High St, Ste 251,
Columbus, OH 43235
Phone Number: (614) 686-2020
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