Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Columbus

An essential component of the communication between the body and brain, a damaged spine can disrupt the body’s natural balance for life. Each year, between 12,000-15,000 people suffer a serious spinal cord injury following a severe accident. From the group above, roughly 10,000 will experience paralysis, and countless others will succumb to their spinal cord injuries.

Due to the complex nature of these cases, Rinehardt Injury Attorneys is prepared to handle all of the legal aspects of your claim, whether it takes litigating in court or settling your claim during the pre-litigation settlement phase.

If you or your loved one need help with your spinal cord injury case, call our experienced Columbus spinal cord injury lawyers at (614) 686-2020 or contact us online. Our consultations are always free, and you won’t pay a dime unless we win your case.

If You've Sustained a Serious Spinal Cord Injury, Our Team Can Help Contact a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Columbus Today

What Is A Spinal Cord Injury?

Spinal cord injuries occur when a person’s “backbone”, or spinal column, sustains damage from a fall, a direct blow, or any form of blunt-force trauma.

The spinal cord houses a communication system that helps your brain communicate with your body, and serious injuries could lead to loss of physical sensation, inability to walk, diminished mental capacity, loss of sexual function, and other serious health problems that could worsen over time.

The spine has several sections, each with progressively more serious consequences if damaged:

  • Sacral Spine (S1-S5) – As the lowest part of the human spine (above the tailbone), damage to this area isn’t known to cause major paralysis but will vary depending on the injury. This area, when injured, can make sitting for extended periods uncomfortable.
  • Lumbar Spine(L1-L5) – If the lumbar spine is compromised, one can expect diminished strength and the inability to bend, twist, or turn rapidly.
  • Thoracic Vertebrae (T1-T12) – This area supports your ability to stand and sit upright while offering a support system to organs in your upper body. Damaging this area may cause prolonged complications, although severe damage doesn’t always mean paralysis.
  • Low Cervical Nerves (C5-C8) – Nerves that correspond with this area of your spinal cord help control hand and arm movement. If damaged, breathing may be labored, and the inability to speak may disappear altogether or become abnormal.
  • High Cervical Nerves (C1-C4) – The highest point of your spinal cord (closest to the brain) has the most severe consequences if damaged. From losing control of bowel movements to tetraplegia and the inability to breathe normally, injuries to this area may require an aide by your side for a longer period, if not for life.

Surgical procedures can correct some issues with lower-level back injuries, but the higher up your back the injury is, the riskier it becomes for surgeons to operate.

Why You Need a Columbus Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

People who believe their actions were justified or believe you were partially at fault for your spinal cord injury will often refuse to accept responsibility for the harm they caused you. The insurance company will often deny your claim or offer a lowball settlement that is far less than what you need to rebuild your life and move on after the accident.

By hiring an experienced Columbus back injury attorney, you can count on their knowledge and skill to level the playing field. With so much on the line, you should only hire a law firm with the right experience and resources to help get you the money you are owed.

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, vehicular accidents are currently the leading cause of spinal cord injury, closely followed by falls and acts of violence.

Here are some of the most commonly reported causes for how your spinal cord could be injured:

While these are the more common catalysts of spinal cord injuries, other premises liability accidents can also injure your spine.

How to Prove Your Spinal Cord Injury

Determining the case of an individual’s spinal cord injury can fall under 3 categories: personal injury, premises liability, or product liability. We will address each one individually as the Ohio Common Pleas Court will have different methods required to prove each.

Spinal Cord Injury From Product Liability

To prove products such as faulty seatbelts or airbags caused spinal cord injuries, you’ll need to prove:

  • The product failed to conform to warranties or was misrepresented.
  • The product had a defective design.
  • The product contained defective parts or failed due to a manufacturing flaw.
  • The product had defects in warning notices.

If claimants are able to prove any one (1) component above, their claim would survive.

Ohio Product Liability Statute of Limitations & Damages

In Ohio, injured persons have two (2) years from the day the injury first took place to file a civil action.

  • Damages are capped at $500,000 per occurrence or three times economic losses (capped at $350,000 per person) for noneconomic damages, with no cap on economic damages.

Spinal Cord Injury From Premises Liability

Proving an individual sustained a spinal cord injury from a premises liability incident requires:

  • The property owner owed the injured person a duty of care.
  • The property owner was reasonably aware the hazard existed but failed to convey or remedy the hazard.
  • That hazard caused a spinal cord injury which resulted in economic losses and additional suffering.

Ohio Premises Liability Statute of Limitations & Damages

Those who wish to bring a civil action against the property owner are given two (2) years from the date the injury was sustained to file, or they’ll lose their rights.

  • Damage caps for noneconomic losses follow the above, while punitive damages are capped at ten percent of the claim’s net worth, up to $350,000. There are no caps on economic losses.

Spinal Cord Injury From Personal Injury

Whether by vehicle accident or medical negligence, personal injuries that cause an individual to sustain an injury to their spine are equally catastrophic to those above.

Victims can take action against the negligent party but will need to prove:

  • The defendant had the duty to care for the injured.
  • The defendant breached this duty of care voluntarily, knowing an injury was possible in doing so.
  • The breach caused an injury to the individual they were legally responsible to.
  • That injury brought about economic and noneconomic losses.

Ohio Personal Injury Statute of Limitations & Damages

Injuries to persons and personal property are given two (2) years from the injury to seek legal action.

  • For medical malpractice, one (1) year in most claims but up to four (4) years under Ohio’s statute of repose (restrictions apply).
  • Two (2) years if bringing action against the Ohio government or its employees. Actions against the government must be filed with the Court of Claims.
  • Economic and noneconomic caps follow the above since they’re based on the same law. In medical malpractice cases, the noneconomic award can be bumped to $1 million if the negligence led to a catastrophic injury.

Columbus Spinal Cord Injury Frequently Asked Questions

Victims and their families may have questions about the spinal cord injury claim process. We will address some of those below but don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation to have your own questions answered by our team.

What if I’m partially at fault for the accident that caused my injury?

  • Ohio does not bar recovery of economic or noneconomic damages provided the injured person is less negligent than the other party. This allows an individual to have 50% fault in their own accident without loss of settlement, although any monetary award will be reduced by the amount of fault the injured person was found to have.

What if I’m unable to afford medical care for my injured spine?

  • Our commitment to injured victims is strong enough that we’re able to connect you with local medical care facilities that will help you recover. If you cannot pay them, they will place a medical lien on your settlement funds; once your check is ready for disbursement, their services will be deducted from those proceeds.

What happens if I lose my case?

  • Our firm works on a contingency-fee basis. We’ll front all costs associated with investigating, litigating, negotiating, paying our staff, and whatever it takes to emerge victorious in your case. You will owe us nothing unless we win your case.

Rinehardt Injury Attorneys Is Here To Help Victims Of Spinal Cord Injury

Rinehardt Injury Attorneys is proud to provide qualified & compassionate representation for Ohioans who have sustained spinal cord injuries. Our team has helped recover millions in settlements & verdicts for personal injury victims across our community, and we’re ready to help you too.

Depending on what part of your spine was injured, you may require months or years of recovery, and in severe cases, experience permanent paralysis or death. No matter what circumstance caused this, we’re on your side until the end. Our Ohio personal injury attorneys would like to discuss your case with you without cost. With two locations in Columbus & Mansfield, let Rinehardt Injury Attorneys get justice for you.

Call us at (614) 686-2020 to schedule your free consultation today. Be Smart. Get Rinehardt.

Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys in Columbus, Ohio

Rinehardt Injury Attorneys is the answer to your personal injury. Our team of attorneys and case managers have represented clients in in Columbus and throughout central and north central Ohio for years. We treat every new client as if they were part of our family by providing clear communication, building a strong relationship, and using our experience to provide legal guidance that’s in their best interests. We offer free consultations with no obligation, so don’t hesitate to contact our team about your legal matter.

Columbus Office

Rinehardt Injury Attorneys
8351 N. High St, Ste 251,
Columbus, OH 43235
Phone Number: (614) 686-2020
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